220 research outputs found

    Determinació de la Tenacitat de Fractura d’un material fràgil

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    Identificar, entre totes les propietats mecàniques que caracteritzen un material, quina o quines es requereixen per determinar la Tenacitat de Fractura. Establir relacions entre aquest paràmetre i la “bondat” del material. Fer cerca bibliogràfica per identificar expressions analítiques útils, i per disposar d’un recull de valors de Tenacitat de Fractura per a materials similars (acotar rang de valors possibles). Planificar , dissenyar i executar l’experiment. Definir l’estratègia d’utilització d’equipaments per evitar activitats innecessàries o que s’invalidin el resultats obtinguts fins aquell moment. Validar els resultats experimentals amb els obtinguts a la cerca bibliogràfica. Decidir si el valor numèric obtingut, esdevé un paràmetre fiable i si el material “és bo”.Peer Reviewe

    Profile of female students of engineering universities in Mexico and Spain

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    Gender studies in higher education have emerged in parallel to reflections and rising feminist movement. The main objectives of academic feminism are related to women's visibility improvement as well as soft skills developers’ roles. But a gap in TECH studies can be detected. Women studies in higher education are mostly related to life and social sciences, behavioral, journalism and information, business and management and law, in contrast to engineering, architecture, manufacturing, construction, ICT or any kind of TECH studies. Thus, the main objective of this work is related to survey design in order to develop a qualitative research to inquire about TECH higher education, female population profile, both at UdG-CUALTOS (Guadalajara, Mexico) and UPC (Barcelona, Spain).This profile can provide some influent identity elements, related to perceptions and expectations of women-TECH, deemed appropriate from their professions as engineers. From these results, it should be possible to draw gender alternatives for future generations in TECH environmentsPostprint (published version

    ProFI: abans i després de la formació per a l'ensenyament-aprenentatge

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    Tecnología de proceso y transformación de materiales

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    Los principales objetivos de esta asignatura son la introducción de los distintos tipos de materiales de aplicación industrial, el establecimiento de relaciones estructura-propiedades de cada grupo de materiales y la descripción de los principales procesos de transformación que se desarrollan industrialmente para convertir un material en un componente final. Para ello, se parte del conocimiento básico de la estructura de los materiales de ingeniería (metales, materiales cerámicos, polímeros y compuestos), así como del comportamiento y las características que se asocian con dicha estructura. Se describen los procesos de transformación de componentes, cuya selección se justifica sobre la base de las características de los materiales que se han de transformar, y se indican algunos de los tratamientos más comunes que permiten modificar el comportamiento macroscópico de un componente para adecuarlo a las solicitaciones requeridas. En la descripción de los procesos, se introducen los criterios a considerar a la hora de realizar la selección del material más adecuado, en la medida de lo posible

    Disclosure day on relativity: a science activity beyond the classroom

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    An important goal for students in engineering education is the ability to present and defend a project in front of a technical audience. We have designed an activity for helping students to work the independent learning and communication skills, while they are introduced in the dynamics of a conference. In this activity, students prepare and present a poster at a popular physics conference on relativity. This activity is shown to provide them with communication skills, related to generic skills at the core of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) degrees, and which are relevant in most of the duties of an engineer.Postprint (published version

    Sustainability and institutionalization model: the case of the MPIA

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    The present text deals in a general way the way in which from the Master in Innovative Processes in Learning (MPIA) that operates as a double degree by the Centro Universitario de Los Altos (CUALTOS) of the University of Guadalajara, in collaboration with the Institute of Sciences of Education of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPCBarcelonaTECH), has tried to promote sustainability as a transversal skill that allows the institutionalization of this topic in the University System. The MPIA trains active teachers who develop their educational practice in different engineering or technological baccalaureates, among other educational centers; and the concern has arisen to propose a model to follow to institutionalize sustainability as a form of change and improvement of the educational context. In this sense, as a first point it is proposed that groups of volunteers can be generated to prepare themselves theoretically and practically with respect to how to pedagogically lead a sustainability project that in turn can be institutionalized [1]. From this group of volunteers will be generated the leaders that would make possible the execution of the model, once institutionalized. To comply with the above, it is necessary to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), since in addition to improving the productivity and efficiency of processes in organizations, they can also contribute to sustainable development by executing public plans and programs, driven by thinking minds that seek to establish clear guidelines that can be executed in the short, medium and long term [2]. To achieve success in the leadership of the institutionalization of the model, it will depend on the educational practices developed as part of the teacher training process, considering the 17 sustainable development objectives proposed by UNESCO [3]Postprint (published version

    La fragua catalana

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    La historia nos ha enseñado cómo determinados procesos productivas o de producción artesana podían desarrollarse de diversos modos diferentes. En algunos casos, las diferencias eran tan importantes que daban a estos procesos nombres distintos. Y uno de estos casos es, justamente, el tema central de este trabajo: la fragua catalana.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Jornada de divulgación de relatividad del GIDF-GRAPAU: un congreso de ciencia como extensión del aula

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    Un aspecto importante en la formación en ingeniería es la capacidad de saber exponer y defender un proyecto. Desde el proyecto RIMA (Recerca i Innovació en Metodologies d’Aprenentatge) del ICE-UPC, una acción conjunta de los grupos de interés GIDF (Grup d'Interès en la Docència de Física) y GRAPAU (Grup d'Interès en l'Aprenentatge Autònom) ha consistido en el diseño de una actividad para que el alumnado trabaje el aprendizaje autónomo y sus técnicas de comunicación, a la vez que les introduce en la dinámica de los congresos. En esta actividad el alumnado elabora y presenta un póster en una jornada de divulgación de relatividad abierta al público. Con esta participación se pretende que el alumno trabaje algunas competencias genéricas contempladas en las titulaciones de la UPC.Peer Reviewe

    SHE-TIMELINE: rescatando a las pioneras (in)visibles de la tecnología

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    By reviewing the inauguration data of universities around the world, it is easy to see that access has been very different for men and women. Sometimes, this difference is a few decades but centuries in some cases between university inauguration data and when, for the first time, a woman in classroom. By checking about pioneer women in technology, when compared with first men in technology, the differences are much more remarkable. Currently, there are men and women in engineering, all over the world, but population data are still far from-peer percentages. From the data collected in a survey about the first women graduates in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts-Architecture, Math) an animated time line allow to visualize the location of these pioneers over time. With this exercise, it should be possible to visualize how inclusive or conservative our universities have been, when compared with its homonyms from all over the world. When everything is done, everything is still to be done…Al revisar los datos de inauguración de las universidades de todo el mundo, es fácil ver que el acceso ha sido muy diferente para hombres y mujeres. A veces, esta diferencia es, en muchas ocasiones, de algunas décadas, pero en algunos casos han pasado siglos entre la fecha de inauguración de la universidad y el momento en que, por primera vez, una mujer está en sus aulas. En cuanto a las pioneras de la tecnología, al compararlas con los primeros hombres de tecnología, las diferencias son mucho más notables. Actualmente, hay hombres y mujeres en ingeniería en todo el mundo, pero los datos de población aún están lejos de ser paritarios. A partir de los datos recopilados en una encuesta sobre las primeras mujeres graduadas en STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Diseño-Arquitectura y Matemáticas), una línea temporal animada permite visualizar la ubicación de estas pioneras a lo largo del tiempo. Con este ejercicio, debería ser posible visualizar qué tan inclusivas o conservadoras han sido nuestras universidades, en comparación con sus homónimas de todo el mundo. Cuando todo está hecho, todo está por hacer…Postprint (published version

    On the influence of creativity in basic programming learning at a first-year Engineering course

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    Teaching fundamentals of programming is a complex task that involves the students’ acquisition of diverse knowledge and skills. It is also well known that programming often requires a certain degree of creativity. There are some studies on how to foster creativity with programming, but few studies have analyzed the influence of students creativity on their performance as programmers. In this paper we present the results of a study, with a sample of 89 freshmen engineering students. Our results suggest (p<0.01) that a high level of creativity is correlated with achieving excellence in programming. Creativity is a generic competence which is not currently covered with in most engineering curricula, and we conclude it should be taken into account. Females, diverse thinking student and some disadvantage groups may benefit from a free-thinking environment in the classroom, in particular at their first-year in college.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft